Play at the End of the World?

It can feel absurd in many ways to focus on play right now - we know - when we have plenty of reasons not to find joy, not to celebrate life, laugh or lean into humor.
But even within a cosmic perspective - there are always forces in harmony with others.
And we need a counterpoint to the gravity and weight of what feels so impossible to meet. We can otherwise find ourselves (I’ll speak for myself) mired by the heaviness and density of what we face - and become immobilized in the face of it.
If you want to be in space with other bodies questioning and exploring and tangibly working with liberatory practice towards just & thriving worlds, consider stepping inside Rooted before we turn our attention inward for the season.
Alixa Garcia, who will be in creative space with us for the months of September and October 2024,has a body of work that highlights the very real need to diligently exercise our visionary and somatic muscles if we want to build liberatory futures.
Because we know that without ways to shift how these embodied paradigms, both the narratives and structures have become embodied…we risk replicating them, even within spaces that hold the intention of challenging them or transforming them.
Whether you choose to join us or not, I want to leave you with this: You have something to contribute to this world. How you tend to your roots will nourish other roots.
If you want to experience this kind of change-work with other bodies, Rooted is a place where that is possible.