Creating an Ecology of Care: An Introduction to Rooted

The purpose of this introductory video is to give you some context for what we’re doing in Rooted, some of the values that guide this vessel, and how we are oriented in liberation work. This is important for us to share…so let’s get into some of the reasons why!
After the video, come check out the Rooted membership - we're open to new villagers until February 4th -
We’re inviting you into our 2024 focus on PLAY and Edge-play. We’re dancing at the edges…
of our rigid identities.
of our perspective.
of our capacity.
of our un/certainty.
of our desire and imagination.
So that we might broaden our Window of Transformation (Kai Cheng Thom) in service of personal and collective change. This is an exciting area of focus for us this year, that we hope you’ll consider joining us for!
What is the Rooted Global Village [Rooted]?
Rooted is a virtual space hosting members from around the globe - we are made up of people of various backgrounds, faith traditions and cultural perspectives. Inside Rooted, we gather to reflect, un/learn and re/member, as our perspectives and ideas are shaped and re/shaped through our many encounters.